Makers (2022 - ) is a visual and textual diary of my interactions with artists and creatives in their homes, studios and workspaces. A collection of impressions from portrait sessions during which we share ideas, stories and beliefs, whilst exploring the visual possibilities of the space, the person and their art 

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The everlasting theme of the tower
and large paintings that draw you in. 
Bits of gold and the amazing red book.
Talks about spiritual connections,
a belief in something, a light, a god,
a guiding entity. The prophecy that I 
will be coming back
in that studio as a painter (1)

Dance, movement, art, theatre all somehow fit in that small space; I first let myself float, trusting - experiencing the Art Of Holding Together. Then we start. Wearing the artworks, using the room as a stage. Then the sea explorer emerges, only briefly in order to disappear in the movement (2)

There is a softness to this. A padded reality. Imagining larger scale works. A nice evening light from both sides of the building meeting in the studio (3)

A beautiful spacious studio, a large loom, artworks with great texture hang on the walls. Only a few hours to shoot, the fading winter light almost meditative (4)

Waves of waste silk in different colours and different volumes. Transforming the room, surrendering to the fabric (5)

This world is a bit darker, metallic. 
Electroforming,crude oil,
bold impressive jewellery (6)

A warm, welcoming space. Ceramic artworks of different textures and colours; an array of creations full of life in various shapes; Leaving the studio and setting up in the corridor, feels relaxing (7)

A small busy studio. Tools, daylight lamps, casts and molds. The white eagle. Breaking out of the studio and setting up in a large hall (8)

Powerful female figures and mythological themes. Recounting our paths to the present moment.The concept of home and belonging, and how locations affect our lives (9)

A large studio almost industrial. Large canvases, solid frames. Evidence of things being dipped into paint, including books. Gloss paint. A bright space. A willingness to fly across the room, to suspend and float; testing our resourcefulness (10)

A human form. Movement bursting to come out. A studio floor seemingly carved out of stone. A space in the process of being arranged and inhabited. The home of the artist feeling so familiar; a strong sense of returning (11)

Small space, paintings with great colours and textures. Details with spiritual importance. The superhero-painter shot that never worked (12)

A world of coral, pink and teal. The closer you get to the paintings the longer you want to stay with them. A mix of Scotland and Lebanon, dreamy landscapes alive on canvas (13)

Stories of linen. Black dye made from oak galls that used to house wasp larvae. Beautiful patterns and geometries. Minimal and so impactful. Echoes of Yiannis Moralis and instant connections with my younger self (14)

A small studio with an inner glow. Lots of small parts each with their own story. Theme of devotion. Do I believe in meaning? (15)

A series of works with a cosmic feel; outer space. Getting slowly into that world. Discovering room by room colourful walls and floors and artworks displayed. A house with many levels and many possibilities. Once I discovered the antlers everything changed (16)

An apartment with a special warmth; beautiful rooms. Portrait paintings that became so alive once hung on the wall. Technique and texture. Potential. Optimism (17)

A studio with great natural light, coming from above, even and powerful . Large canvases, some of them silk. Work that embraces whiteness in beautiful abstractions (18)

Ceramic art of unique shapes and textures. The mere presence of the large pots making a bold statement (19)

Writings, legible and illegible, framed poetry. Transparent paper that is stronger than it seems. Everything simply resolves to ink and gestures (20)

Time stands still through layers of paint. Human figures from a far away dimension, accessible via some kind of magical stained glass (21)

Oil on linen, female figures, vivid paintings, the finished-unfinished look; a studio in a house that has been standing there for centuries (22)

A quiet Sunday morning in a large studio space; pale pink, beautiful patterns; a confident textile artist; the ceiling hatch shot that almost worked (23)

A warm and welcoming apartment;  intricate colourful artworks that need to be seen closer up to be appreciated; cups of tea and mushroom coffee (24)

Beautiful dynamic drawings; the artist's fragility and inner strength; the bay window area with that dim afternoon light (25)

Floor to ceiling wooden sculptures with a strong presence; smaller artworks throughout the house, each with their own story; the 'snake charmer' piece that started it all and wasn't there; the kitchen with the plants and the light, leading to the garden workshop (26)

The city centre apartment with its other century features; the artist's journey, the illustrated characters and the dream stories powering mental strength. An early afternoon calmness; the roof terrace and that coat that made us head upstairs for the final shots (27)

The smell of paper pulp soaking in colourful buckets. The strong presence of the sculptures in the background. A masterfully made cup of coffee and Moondog on the radio. An old industrial heater and the buzz of the street underneath. The crown that came into play at the right moment (28)

A large loom in a small room. Stories of two cities, of back and forths and the need to escape to the coast. The absolute spot in the apartment above, opening out to a roof terrace overlooking the city (29)

Portraits of parents, deep connections. Our stories, laid on the table over lunch. The room that we transformed just enough to bring it to a new equilibrium (30)

A small studio space with a great window to the rooftops of buildings and the horizon. Talking about sunset colours and then back into the drawings, the sleeping rock and the close ups on paintings (31)

A large underground studio, big canvases, diptychs, floor covered in live paint, discussing concerts, music, transience (32)

The self-portraits. Paintings half abstract, playful. Sensitivity and introspection. The garden leading to the shed, revealing a different universe that stayed with me for a while (33)

The studio space in the garden. The self-portrait painting appearing, small in size but extremely powerful, full of fire, mystery and urgency (34)

The mini harp. The piano improvisation for a new piece. The sunny spot near the window looking out to the garden. Almost half a day listening to and discussing about music. Observing a life being lived through singing (35)

In the gallery waiting for an early afternoon event. Surrounded by artworks and preparing an essay on Kafka (36)

A beautiful showroom leading to a workshop where the magic happens. Everything in this universe feels in the right place, the spaces, the garments, the designer (37)

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 (1)  Artist Pato Bosich
(2) Dancer, choreographer and artist Margarita Zafrilla Olayo
(3) Textile artist Alice Burnhope
(4) W
oven textile designer and artist Lara Pain
(5) Textile designer, researcher and artist Alicia Rowbotham
(6) Activist and multi-disciplinary artist Katrin Spranger
(7) Ceramicist Tim Martin
(8) Sculptor, carver & gilder 
Clunie Fretton
(9) Artist and illustrator Tribambuka (aka Anastasia Beltyukova)
(10) Artist Shane Bradford 
(11) Abstract figurative artist Evangeline Armstrong
(12) Visual artist, painter and photographer Isaac Erhabor Emokpae
(13) Abstract expressionist artist 
Shereen Tabet 
(14) Artist and textile designer Amélie Crépy
(15) Artist Dominika Prinz
(16) Artist Susanna Jacobs
(17) Artist Katie McGowan
(18) Abstract painter Bob Aldous
(19) Ceramicist Isis Dove-Edwin
(20) Calligrapher Anika De Souza
(21) Artist Olga Geoghegan
(22) Portrait artist Karen Turner
(23) Textile Designer YuMei Huang
(24) Artist and Interior Designer Flore Lesca
(25) Artist Morag Caister
(26) Sculptor Jim Jack
(27) Actress and Illustrator Maria Pagkalou
(28) Artist Giannis Efthimiou
(29) Textile designer and weaver Maria Sigma
(30) Artist Rhian Lloyd
(31) Artist Sophie Glover
(32) Artist Rebecca Gilpin
(33) Artist Ellis King
(34) Artist Antonia Hockings
(35) Music artist and composer Phoebe Coco
(36) Author and curator Paul Carey-Kent
(37) Fashion designer Olubiyi Thomas

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